
覚え/中国文化の紹介サイト/Visual Sourcebook

http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/index.htm これが中々興味深いサイトだ。


ここに「密室」で政治が動いた例の質問が出ていた。 http://www.hatena.ne.jp/1100164386 「密室」以外で政治が動いた例を探すほうが困難ではないか、というくらい 国民の目からは見えないところで、実際の政治は動いている。 ともあれ、例えば「禅譲+佐藤…


萬晩報の11/11号に 「ファルージァの呪われた人々」と題する現地ルポの翻訳が掲載されている。 http://www.yorozubp.com/0411/041111.htm


This attack on Falluja may slow the insurgent hostility in this area, but for how long? When people return to the rubble (those that are alive), there will be only more hatred toward the American occupation! More Iraqis fed up with the dev…

Beginning of the end? /終わりの始まりか

BBC 11/8からThe battle for Falluja is supposed to be the beginning of the end. The plan is that US troops, supported by forces from the interim Iraqi government, will drive a stake through the heart of the insurgency, thereby opening the w…

Four More Years

Foreign Policy誌、04/11号からPresident Bush’s neoconservative “Vulcans” are back for a second term in office. But this time, they will discover they have limited resources and diminished credibility. ブッシュ大統領の側近グループのネオコン…


時間がないので、後の覚えのために 取り敢えず貼り付けておく。

G.I.'s Open Attack to Take Falluja From Iraq Rebels

11/8 NYT からFALLUJA, Iraq, Monday, Nov. 8 - Explosions and heavy gunfire thundered across Falluja on Sunday night and Monday morning as American troops seized control of two strategic bridges, a hospital and other objectives in the first …

THE END OF AN ERA/ 一つの時代の終わり

パレスチナのアラファト議長の危篤が伝えられている。 Foreign Affairs Background on the News Special Edition は、 こんなことを書いている。Yasir Arafat's long career as a crucial player in the modern history of the Middle East is finally comin…

Martial Law Declared as Nearly 150 Die in Clashes in Central China

BEIJING, Oct. 31 - Ethnic clashes between majority Han Chinese and Hui Muslims left almost 150 people dead and forced the authorities to declare martial law in a section of Henan Province in central China, journalists and witnesses in the …

Ethnic violence hits China region

11/1 のBBCNewsによればMartial law has been imposed in parts of the Chinese province of Henan after ethnic clashes in which at least seven people were killed. 河南省で起きた民族間の衝突で、少なくとも7人が死亡した。この一帯に 戒厳令…

Ancient nuclear power controlled by water

古代原子炉は水が制御11/1の news@nature.com の記事からUranium-rich rocks in the Oklo region of Gabon once formed natural nuclear reactors. Nuclear power was invented in Africa 2 billion years ago. Now scientists think they have figured out …

The price of democracy

Voter registration begins today in Iraq. During the next six weeks, millions of voters will be enrolled for January's elections. An Iraqi election is an important step -- especially if it succeeds. 今日、イラクで選挙人名簿の登録が開始され…