
Looking for his family - check my site to identify a small boy lost in Thailand

By Peter Lavelle Published on January 13, 2005 Please send this to all - we mean all! - the people in your entire network. Nobody knows who this boy belongs to! The boy about 2 years, from Khoa Lak is missing his parents. Nobody knows what…


気象とは、何の関係もないけれど... Dietary Guidelines for Americans is published jointly every 5 years by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Guidelines provide authoritative advic…


question:1105621730 世界各国の気象情報機関のリンク集 Weather Navigator http://www.iknet.info/docs/atomlinks.html 海都気象予報士事務所の運営するサイト、 他には Wether Database が使えるかな。 Weather Site Index http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~er…